Minecraft 1.8 hacked client gui with fast bow
Minecraft 1.8 hacked client gui with fast bow

addVertexWithUV(( double)( x + width), ( double)( y + 0), ( double) this. zLevel, ( double)(( float)( textureX + width) * var7), ( double)(( float)( textureY + height) * var8)) addVertexWithUV(( double)( x + width), ( double)( y + height), ( double) this. zLevel, ( double)(( float)( textureX + 0) * var7), ( double)(( float)( textureY + height) * var8)) addVertexWithUV(( double)( x + 0), ( double)( y + height), ( double) this. Public void drawTexturedModalRect( int x, int y, int textureX, int textureY, int width, int height) * Draws a textured rectangle at the stored z-value. Public void drawString( FontRenderer fontRendererIn, String text, int x, int y, int color)įontRendererIn. * Renders the specified text to the screen. getStringWidth( text) / 2), ( float) y, color) func_175063_a( text, ( float)( x - fontRendererIn. Public void drawCenteredString( FontRenderer fontRendererIn, String text, int x, int y, int color)įontRendererIn. * Renders the specified text to the screen, center-aligned. addVertex(( double) right, ( double) bottom, ( double) this. addVertex(( double) left, ( double) bottom, ( double) this. addVertex(( double) left, ( double) top, ( double) this. addVertex(( double) right, ( double) top, ( double) this. * Draws a rectangle with a vertical gradient between the specified colors (ARGB format). addVertex(( double) left, ( double) top, 0.0D) addVertex(( double) right, ( double) top, 0.0D)

minecraft 1.8 hacked client gui with fast bow

addVertex(( double) right, ( double) bottom, 0.0D) addVertex(( double) left, ( double) bottom, 0.0D)

minecraft 1.8 hacked client gui with fast bow

Protected void drawHorizontalLine( int startX, int endX, int y, int color)įloat var6 = ( float)( color > 16 & 255) / 255.0F įloat var7 = ( float)( color > 8 & 255) / 255.0F įloat var8 = ( float)( color & 255) / 255.0F Private static final String _OBFID = "CL_00000662" Public static final ResourceLocation icons = new ResourceLocation( "textures/gui/icons.png")

minecraft 1.8 hacked client gui with fast bow

Public static final ResourceLocation statIcons = new ResourceLocation( "textures/gui/container/stats_icons.png") Public static final ResourceLocation optionsBackground = new ResourceLocation( "textures/gui/options_background.png")

Minecraft 1.8 hacked client gui with fast bow